The Leading Excellence Program is a no-nonsense, to the point organizational approach designed for business, government, and the non-profit sectors who understand the value of achieving and sustaining high performing teams that maximize their potential and capitalize on excellence.

“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.”
-Henry Ford

Does your organization experience any of the following issues?

  1. Low Employee Engagement
  2. Lack of Accountability or Ownership
  3. Lack of Organization or Management of Resources
  4. High Turnover or Issues keeping good employees
  5. Low trust between leaders and employees
  6. Poor Communication, Unclear Expectations, or Priorities
  7. Lack of proper training or motivation to work effectively
  8. Low to no Initiative or Innovation
  9. Ineffective Critical Decision Making
  10. High Resistance to Change
  11. And the list goes on and on…

Every one of the above issues presents a large potential for energy leak (in other words, requires enormous amounts of energy to deal with while returning negative results against the organization’s main causes). While having just one inefficiency is harmful, if not correctly resolved, one leads into two, two into three, etc.. and each one exponentially multiples the energy drain to you, your team, and your organization until there is nothing left. And yes, it happens quite frequently to every size business, large and small. Mostly because of fear of failure which leads to ego and the need for control from the current leadership in place.

True leader’s are not threatened by others, but focus on raising the bar of excellence no matter the circumstances.

You and your team already have most, if not all of the answers to solve your organizations biggest problems. Those answers are only truly expressed and developed from effective leadership. The truth is, effective leadership has been scientifically and field proven to shift all these issues into opportunities for long term success.

With the answer to solve these problems, you have a choice to make:

  1. Spend years of learning, purchase hundreds of books, attend leadership schools, courses and conferences while developing an effective and sustainable leadership method and designing a program to teach it with success…or
  2. Invest in a proven solution to deliver the results to you and you team starting now.

Since we have started this business there hasn’t been one organization who, after running even a rudimentary cost analysis of the value they receive against the time, effort and cost to either wait or attempt to implement themselves, found it to be reasonable to not implement some level of a proven leadership solution.

Effective Leaders raised from our program are equipped to face today’s realities with unrivaled success. They are provided with and pursue the right training, tools, and systems to forge and manage successful teams. Effective leaders are not just elite managers, but also high-level operators of their own craft who can talk the talk and truly walk the walk.

Through this solution, we tackle the hard issues that separate a mediocre leadership team from an elite group of leaders. For example:

How does your organization handle toxic employees? What affect do toxic employees have on the culture and performance if we don’t?

What does leading effectively at every level look like and how do we operationalize it?

How can we encourage our employees to invest in themselves and work with a great attitude, effort, and purpose?

The Leading Excellence Program provides solutions to these issues specifically for your organization. We provide the tools for all team members to fulfill their potential as a highly productive human, high performance teammate, and great steward of their community.

Program Information

Program Overview (click to see more)

So how does all this work?

  1. Enroll your organization in a Leading Excellence package below. -> Our most Popular is the Leading Excellence – Authority Accelerator.
  2. Each Package includes 5 Student Licenses. Additional Licenses are available for purchase upon checkout. No Class Cap.
  3. Key Objectives are delivered in Alpha Leader – Core Concept Courses (4C’s), each are 4 hour blocks of instruction and education presented exclusively for your organization on-site or off-site (your choice) over a 2.5 day period. This includes organizational specific instruction, personalized organizational vision letter, and a recording made available for all registered student to view at any time with an active license. You will coordinate with a Leader On Point Coach to host this training.
  4. Each registered student has a 12 month license to complete all offered training and development (4C & Learning Objectives – listed below). If a student misses any part of the organizations 4C’s offerings, that student may take a live 4C from any certified in-person offering (typically at an Alpha Leader Workshop). Each student may repeat 4C’s as many times as desired withing the license period at these workshops.
  5. Complete all 4C’s (required in-person) for the student to earn their Alpha Leader Certification.
    • Alpha Leader 4C’s are:
      • Principles of Excellence*
      • Beyond the Training
      • Art of Leadership
      • High-Level Innovation
  6. After mastering the program, students will earn their Alpha Leader Certification and be enrolled in the Alpha Team (covered by the organization). As a member of the Alpha Team, they will have full access to any offered C3’s and unlock the ability to take more advanced courses. Learn more about the Alpha Team -> Click Here.
  7. Once the first student in your organization achieves their Alpha Leader Certification, your organization you will become eligible to earn the Leading Excellence Accreditation.

*Required to complete first.

Requirements (click to see more)

Apply to become accepted to the program. Click Here to Apply: Leading Excellence Application –>
*We have the right to refuse anyone or any organization for any reason.

Key Objectives (click to see more)


  1. Vision Letter
  2. Scheduling
  3. Program On-Boarding

WORKSHOP & EDUCATION (Alpha Leader 4C’s)

  1. Principles of Excellence
    Attitude, Effort, & Purpose
  2. Mission 1st Framework
    Proven Problem Solving Method.
  3. MVP Navigator™
    Discover your personal and Organization’s Mission, Vision, Values and Purpose.
  4. P.A.C.E™
    Proven system to set expectations and conduct Performance Evaluations.
  5. 4 Corners of Conflict
    How to use the Feedback Loop to turn awkward conservations into awesome opportunities.
  6. Beyond the Training
    How to learn new skills, effectively educate, cycle instruction periods, and properly document training.
  7. Concepts of Leadership
    How to use the SWAT Leadership Concepts to lead teams who win with excellence, even in the midst of adversity and chaos.
  8. Higher-Level Innovation
    Forward Thinking strategies to be prepared to own the future.


  1. Training
  2. Application
  3. Review
  4. Award

Program Services & Benefits (click to see more)

  1. Student Kit
    • Alpha Leader Journal
    • Vision Letter
    • Pen
    • Bookmark
    • Workbook
    • Sticker
  2. Post Completion
    • Award Certificate
    • Award Bar
    • Challenge Coin
  3. Alpha Team Membership
    • 12 Months
  4. Discounted Individual Coaching
    • Up to 10 additional sessions discounted 15%

Let’s ignite a leader at every level in your organization to break through the barriers of growth!
The time is now to make this official and get started!

Join the Leading Excellence Movement!

Leading Excellence Program

Starting at: $12,500

Unlock the secrets to building and maximizing a culture of Performance, Leadership, and Excellence as an organization. Conducted exclusively for your organization On-Site of Off-Site by a Certified Leader On Point Coach.

Solutions & Benefits

  • Alpha Leader Objectives & 4C’s: Hosted exclusively for your organization on or off-site.
  • 5 Student Licenses Included: Purchase additional licenses based on need.
  • Leading Excellence Accreditation: One application included.

Bonus Included

  • Alpha Team: Organizational Membership (12 Months). Learn More–>
  • Newsletter: Electronic monthly edition.

Keep it simple

Learn and quickly deploy the 4 Core Competencies leaders of high performing teams use to make a exponential impact on the mission and goals.

Challenge: Search the internet for “Skills needed to be a leader.” or just click on words, I’ll wait… What results did you find? Let’s get honest, it’s overwhelming and confusing… everyone ranked on the first page has completely different skill sets you should learn and methods to learn them…

That’s where we come in. Through actual experience and field data, we have narrowed the leadership journey down to four competencies. That’s it, just 4. Really simple! 

Once any leader starting practicing the 4 competencies, they are well on their way to building high performing team members, which in turn has the potential to create a team focused on exceptional results.

How does this benefit you? It’s not an extensive list of 20, 35, or 50 skills you must spend hours mastering before being effective. You can take the information directly from this course and use immediately for positive results. 

Need for Leadership Development?

“Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.”
– Colin Powell

What’s the difference between a manager, boss, and a leader? Do your employees only transact with you (work for pay), or are they motivated, accountable, empowered, and inspired to do more because of the transformation you develop on your teams? How do employees trust you enough to follow you, even where they may not want to go but should be. Why would someone follow you? Would others carry out your vision with integrity and excellence, even when you are not there? How do you steer teams in the right direction when there is pressure and chaos all around?

It starts with you. You are the example, you are the model, you are the baseline. If your teams are experiencing issues, start with looking in the mirror. The good news… any area the leader lacks can be corrected and give them the power to be the reason and cause for turning ineffective or middle of the road teams into teams who win with excellence. Of course, this is all pointless unless you are engaged in your own pursuit of personal development, desire to grow, and understand the value of building your character, purpose, and skills.

Leadership is the Solution!

You are here because there is an obvious need or problem you are looking to solve. Where is your biggest issue?

1) Confidence
2) Communication
3) Conflict Resolution
4) Problem Solving
5) Resource Management

If we could solve at least one of these issues, what would it be worth to you? Put a price on it. If you see value to solving that problem and course correcting, click the button below to get started now!

A message from Chris Rountree:

In SWAT, the demand is high to make quick decisions that can result in life or death. My law enforcement career has spanned over a decade and a half, with more than 10 of those years operating in and leading elite teams to succeed amidst chaos. I coach business leaders to approach their challenges with the same level of strategy and decisiveness as a team leader on a SWAT team, ensuring they lead and win even under pressure or opposition.

Learning from my failures and successes, I stepped into an opportunity of building a training and development platform. This business affords me the opportunity to help, coach, guide, and positively impact leaders from all walks of life, especially through our SWAT Leadership program. This program equips leaders with the tools to handle any business crisis, making sure they come out on top, no matter the chaos they may face.

Don’t forget to get your copy of the book –>