Effective Instructor

Know, engage, and connect with your audience at the highest touch points while delivering immense value. Not only empower, but motivate your students to take action and from the first word to the last of your presentation and step back into the real world with passion and conviction to take action on the ideas and information they learned from you.

Take your instructing skills to the next level, leave a lasting impression on your students, and gain a reputation for being the “you have to attend one of YOUR NAME HERE’s classes!” Catch your classes attention from the first words and keep it. At the end, allow your students to walk away with a sense of empowerment and accomplishment.

Discover how to inspire, empower, and deliver massive valve.

Does all this seem impossible for you? Let me be the first to tell you, it did for me… at first. But I was highly inspired by some of my favorite motivational speakers to become better. Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, Russell Brunson, Jordan Peterson, Martin Luther King Jr., and the likes… All these people spoke with such passion and conviction, I wanted to join their cause or sign up for their offer. More importantly, I wanted to do what they were able to do.

To be honest, when I look at these amazing speakers, thought leaders, and prime movers; I am still inspired to be and do more. When I started teaching workshop style courses almost a decade ago, I truly wanted to connect with my audience and leave them with a ton of value.

I was just like you probably were, feeling scared and unprepared to get started. What if they don’t like me? What if I say something wrong? What if I don’t have answers to their questions? I wanted to bring a source of conviction, passion, and excellence to motivate and inspire my students with a call to action, but how?

What others have to say.

Don’t take our word, here are a few of the many comments and feedback points we have received during instruction.

Derek Dabbs
    Derek Dabbs

    City of Dallas Employee

    “Great presenter, break down of information was great. Just the experience and knowledge conveyed was excellent!”

    Jo Onim
      Jo Onim

      DFW Airport Fire Captain

      “I loved best that LT Rountree left it upon the class to write notes and glean out the learning nuggets, rather than provide printed course notes that most participants never look at again (and are wasteful). The interaction was great. I appreciated most the DIG DEEPER segments that avoided surface area treatment of critical issues, and prevented the course from being just one big gripe session.”

      Kate Odhiambo
        Kate Odhiambo

        Dallas Police Sergeant

        “It made me reflect on what I bring to the table as a sergeant. Lieutenant Rountree was an amazing instructor!”

        Daniel Baker
          Daniel Baker

          City of Dallas Employee

          “Loved Chris’ energy and how he engaged with our class. Very valuable information and I cannot wait to learn more about what it means to be a leader!”

          Ryan Kelly
            Ryan Kelly

            Dallas Police Sergeant

            “The instructor was engaging, knowledgeable, and energetic. The class was worthwhile even for people with experience in physical fitness. I enjoyed the conversation.”

            Luis Ferrer
              Luis Ferrer

              DFW Airport Fire Sergeant

              “It is making me reflect on past decisions and is helping me to refocus in how I lead. I really love the knowledge and passion that Chris Rountree delivers. He is a true professional and is helping us lead into the future.”

              From unprepared to ready!

              Through this coaching program, you will learn the “Big Domino” that not only answers all the above questions, but also allows you to connect with your audience and deliver immense value.

              Once you learn this one principle and how to personally apply it, we will work on how to effectively structure your entire presentation, from start to finish. From the opening line to the final feedback and how to follow up, build a list, and continue to provide value to your students – far beyond the instructional block.

              Capitalize on your personality and expert knowledge.

              If you are ready to take your instructing skills to the peak, click below to get started now!

              Message from Chris

              When I first started teaching, it was rough. I wanted to do a great job, but didn’t even realize what that meant. At the time, it meant to not trip over my own words, to not get in my own head in front of others, and to not blank when people asked me questions. At the time, it was all about ME. That was the first mistake I made and after I finally learned that it was all about my audience and how to serve them best, it took all the pressure off of me.

              Once I started to serve my audience instead of myself, I began to personally grow. But, there were still gaps in what I was trying to do. Ineffective openers, bad transitions, hard to read slides, poor answers to questions, ineffective teaching flow, and lack of connection with my audience. Worst of all, it really bothered me that there was no follow-up with the very students I poured my time and energy into. Needless to say, there were a ton of gaps.

              I don’t have a Cinderella story of someone waving a magic wand BOOM, it was all fixed! No. It has been trail and error with ups and downs. Try something and it misses, try something else that hits and works. I just kept adding onto all the things that hit their target, and with experience and time, was able to determine what really works and kept perfecting it.

              That’s what I am all about. Finding what works for you, individually, and building on that very thing. I look forward to seeing your instructing skills transform into peak mastery through this course and our time together!